The DIY PEV world offers a wide variety of enclosures/compartments/boxes/bags/nooks and crannies to place a battery into. We aim to build you exactly what you need to fit the space you have available. All Shapes all Sizes, you name it, we have probably done it and we will do it again for you. If you need references do not hesitate to ask.
Please select the Series and Parallel count of your choice. If you need help making the right choice for your enclosure please contact us at info@skyartpower.com.
we chose to use the Molicel P42a battery due to its outstanding performance at high current levels and its high Capacity.
Typical Build time for a custom battery varies depending on the size and complexity off the layout, we ask for 4-8 weeks. We will confirm the exact build time after finalizing the details with you.
The Price you pay is a BATTERY BUILD DEPOSIT! Due to the fluctuation of cell availability and cost as well as material cost, we will have to calculate the price of your battery on the day you decide to purchase. Please contact info@skyartpower.com for final battery price prior to paying a deposit. If you pay a deposit before contacting us we will make sure to contact you via email.
To approximate final price multiply the S count by the P count and then multiply that by 13. This will give you a rough idea of the final price.
If you cannot find the right battery size, please pick the closest match and we will figure out the rest.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have, so please feel free to reach out.